7 Ways to Survive the Holiday Crunch

7 Ways to Survive the Holiday Crunch

As a go-getter, nothing sets you more into a frenzy than the crunch of planning, preparing and balancing the Holidays with your already busy schedule.  Where as some see it as a time with family, we see workload, deadlines and things that can be done.  Fear not!  As a community of busy women, we've put together some simple ways to ease your stress levels this Holiday. Read on, beautiful... this one's for you!


1) It does not have to be perfect.

I know, the little task managers in your brain are clutching their pearls right now. That little imperfection in the tree? Nobody noticed it but you. The wrapping paper doesn't match? The kids didn't care.  The family greeting card wasn't perfect? At least it got done. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Don't lose focus of the bigger picture and the purpose of the season in your quest to make it perfect.


2) Pace Yourself.

Around the holidays, deadlines ramp up. Everything seems time sensitive. If you're planning and feeling frustrated, put off things that can wait until after the New Year. 


3) Combat Seasonal Blues

It's supposed to be a time of joy but you'd be surprised to know that over 60% of people report feeling more bummed out around the Holidays. We're bombarded with images of happy lives, lavish gifts and wide smiles. The reality is, everyone's "normal" looks different and its okay if yours doesn't fit the mold. .


4) Create your own traditions!

I suggest creating your own traditions... friend gift exchanges, movie nights, pot lucks, spa days and small weekend trips can all be great alternatives for you. It breaks up the repetitive nature, and allows you to create something new. If you have a super traditional family, keep the traditions that fit you and add on the things that matter to you.


5) Keep Gifts Simple

Let me tell you story. My daughter was 9 and I was completely stressed out. As a single mom, I had always worked over time the weeks leading up to Christmas to be able to afford to get her lots of gifts. This year was different. I had taken a pay cut, there was no over time available, she needed new glasses and had a growth spurt and also needed clothes. She mentioned some items she wanted and I wasn't sure if I would come through. If you have kids, you know how "the list" goes. Fast forward, I met the love of my life and the following Christmas he said something that has improved my Holidays ever since. He said that "Every child has the one or two items they really want and to focus on that.' Christmas ever since has been so much less of a scary time. Keep the gifts to what others really want or need. 


6) Don't underestimate stocking stuffers

This time of year, we really highlight the small items on our website that people love receiving. Even better, we created our Bold Box to make it easy for busy women to grab one item with lots of care and small items in it for their loved ones. The gesture of receiving  a stocking full of gloss and Body Butters may seem simple, but so many women appreciate the stocking stuffers more because they don't have to buy it themselves. Personal care items, toiletries, items for the purse and for pampering, cosmetics and more make excellent stockings stuffers.


7) Pamper yourself, too

Phone off, bubble bath, candles, skincare and some time for yourself is necessary! Don't forget to make time to take care of yourself too. You are worthy of luxury and great things, beautiful!

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