Bold in the Community: Meet Standup Speakout!

Bold in the Community: Meet Standup Speakout!

Bold and Luscious Cosmetics Supports Non Profit Organizations that support women's and children's causes. One issue facing Communities all over the World regardless of race, class, color or gender is domestic violence and sexual assault.

Although always a problem, It seems in today's fast paced World, Mental health and Stress is at an all time high causing a rise in Domestic Violence. It also seems that social media allows for more publicized and documented instances involving sexual assault and domestic violence all over the World.

Bold and Luscious Cosmetics had the chance to learn more about this North Carolina based organization when searching for an organization to get involved with for our Brandiversary.

SUSO's mission is to provide direct care and outreach advocacy services for families, child survivors, and witnesses of gender based violence by providing holistic therapeutic services through Integrative Art Intervention.

Bold and Luscious Cosmetics Co. Donated 20 mystery gift bags containing our products to SUSO to give to participants at future events as Thank You gifts for speakers, participants of their programs and more. We plan on further involving ourselves on a deeper level in the future as we continue to grow as a brand.

For more information about this amazing organization, visit their website at

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