What 2 years in business is REALLY like...

What 2 years in business is REALLY like...

What 2 years in business is REALLY like...


I get asked this all the time. " What's it feel like being in business for two years?" or likewise, " What's it REALLY been like? Now this is a loaded question so I've sat back and thought about it. What better time to dish out than around our two year #brandiversary?

Well to be quite honest, its been a lot of learning. A lot of humbling moments. It's thinking you know what you're doing, only to be slapped with 45 more choices. Its laughs, its tears and cuss words. It's Instagram updates that you have to learn, Its celebrating small victories every single day (Believe me, sometimes those small victories are enough fuel to us keep going. When the going gets rough.) It's failing, then learning. It's winning, then brainstorming for the next one. 

Celebrating our customers and their exploration into their own confidence and our products has been like watching a beautiful story unfold.

Starting a business during a pandemic was not easy.  I was told it was a silly idea. But regardless I took that first Stimulus check, purchased our website and the first 8 colors of lipsticks. I felt strongly that women during this pandemic needed a reminder of how strong and beautiful they were. While some see lipsticks, I saw a symbol of that strength and resilience.

Most businesses do not see a second year. Over half of the businesses started are gone by year two. By year 5, a total of 70% are gone. We are grateful to be able to keep going, developing and expanding.

I will never forget the happiness I felt opening our first box of inventory or mailing out our first order. I will never forget our 100th order, our 300th order, our 300th customer or our first sold out collection ( It was Glassy Gloss if you're curious.) 

Thank you for an amazing two years as a growing Cosmetics and Beauty brand. From 8 lipstick colors to 400 fantastic items on our site, we are celebrating the community that is Bold and Luscious Cosmetics Co!


So Sincerely Yours,

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